성균관대학교 경영학과 졸업 (경영학학사, 경영학석사)
University of Alabama 졸업 (재무학박사)
Western Oregon University 경영학과 교수
한국예탁결제원 근무
한국증권학회, 한국재무학회 부회장
한국파생상품학회, 한국재무관리학회 이사
사립학교교직원연금, 한국자산관리공사, 한국체육진흥기금, 수산발전기금 리스크관리위원
공인회계사 시험운영위원 및 출제위원
현, 동국대학교 경영대학 교수
하나은행(주) 사외이사
(저서 및 주요논문)
Centrality and Corporate Governance Decisions of Korean Chaebols: A Social Network Approach
Multiple Credit Rating: Triple Rating under the Requirement of Dual Rating in Korea
Multiple Lead Underwriter IPOs and Firm Visibility
Heated Negotiation within the Syndicates and IPOs
The Role of Co-managers in Reducing Expected Flotation Costs
How Much Is Reasonable? The Size of Termination Fees in Mergers and Acquisitions
Effects of Foreign Ownership on Payout Policy: Evidence from Korea
Marketing Activities, Strategic Competition, and Firm Value
Go-Shop Provisions in M&As; Fiduciary Duties or Window Dressing
Bank Competition and Stability : Comparison of Korean Commercial Banks and Mutual Saving Banks
How do Foreign Investors Affect Corporate Policy?: Evidence from Korea.
ESG Factors as a Determinant on Credit Ratings 등 다수