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Very Short Introduction

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이 분야에 46 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Consciousness : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback, 22 Revised edition)

수잔 블랙모어 / Oxford University Press

13,940원(35%할인 / 420원)

Autism : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Uta Frith / Oxford Univ Pr

13,940원(35%할인 / 420원)

Wais-IV Clinical Use and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Perspectives (Hardcover)

Weiss, Lawrence G. / Academic Pr

90,580원(30%할인 / 910원)

The Work of the Imagination (Paperback)

Harris, Paul L. / Blackwell Pub

72,080원(35%할인 / 730원)

Working Memory And Education (Hardcover)

Susan J. Pickering / Academic Pr

126,840원(30%할인 / 1,270원)

Neuroscience of Cognitive Development: The Role of Experience and the Developing Brain (Hardcover)

Charles A. Nelson / John Wiley & Sons Inc

132,210원(35%할인 / 1,330원)

Why Youth is Not Wasted on the Young : Immaturity in Human Development (Paperback)

Bjorklund, David F. / Blackwell Pub

49,230원(35%할인 / 500원)

Children and Social Exclusion : Morality, Prejudice, and Group Identity (Paperback)

Melanie Killen / Wileyblackwell

43,220원(35%할인 / 440원)

Attention, Balance and Coordination : The A.B.C. of Learning Success (Paperback, 2 ed)

Sally Goddard Blythe / John Wiley & Sons Inc

74,490원(35%할인 / 750원)

Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach (Hardcover, 7th)

Wadsworth Pub Co

128,130원(30%할인 / 1,290원)

The Violence of Men: New Techniques for Working with Abusive Families: A Therapy of Social Action (Hardcover)


67,270원(35%할인 / 680원)

Social and Personality Development (Hardcover)

David Shaffer 지음 / Wadsworth Publishing

163,100원(30%할인 / 1,640원)

Encyclopedia of Adolescence (Hardcover)

Brown, B Bradford / Academic Press Inc

1,521,620원(30%할인 / 15,220원)

Don't Roll Your Eyes : Making In-Laws into Family (Paperback)

Ruth Nemzoff / St Martins Pr

20,030원(30%할인 / 1,010원)

Cyberbullying : Bullying in the Digital Age (Hardcover, 2 ed)

Robin M. Kowalski / John Wiley & Sons Inc

102,140원(35%할인 / 1,030원)

Exploring Cognitive Development : The Child As Problem Solver (Paperback)

Garton, Alison F. / Blackwell Pub

84,110원(35%할인 / 850원)

Adolescence and Health (Paperback)

Coleman, John / John Wiley & Sons Inc

61,250원(30%할인 / 620원)

Brothers: 26 Stories of Love and Rivalry (Paperback)

Andrew Blauner / Jossey-Bass Inc Pub

20,370원(35%할인 / 210원)

The Social Validity Manual: A Guide to Subjective Evaluation of Behavior Interventions in Applied Behavior Analysis (Hardcover)

Stacy L. Carter / Academic Pr

120,360원(30%할인 / 1,210원)

International Review of Research in Mental Retardation: Handbook of Assessment in Persons with Intellectual Disability Volume 34 (Hardcover)

Matson, Johnny L. / Academic Pr

310,800원(30%할인 / 3,110원)

Counselling and Communication Skills for Medical and Health Practitioners (Paperback)

Bayne / Blackwell Pub

64,870원(35%할인 / 650원)

Advances in the Spoken-Language Development of Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing Children (Hardcover)

Patricia Elizabeth Spencer / Oxford Univ Pr on Demand

187,770원(30%할인 / 1,880원)

Clinical Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders (Hardcover, 1st)

Matson, Johnny / Academic Pr

116,480원(30%할인 / 1,170원)

Adolescent Development : The Essential Readings (Paperback)

Gerald R. Adams / Blackwell Pub

75,690원(35%할인 / 760원)