
추천 저자 authors
화제의 신간

Poor Economics (Hardcover)
Esther Duflo

The 5 Levels of Leadership (Paperback)
존 맥스웰 지음

Demand: How to Discover It, Exploit It, and Why Everything Depends on It (Paperback)
에이드리언 J. 슬라이워츠키 지... 7,490

That Used to Be Us (Perfect Paperback)
토머스 L. 프리드먼 지음

2011 베스트!

Brandwashed (Paperback)
마틴 린드스트롬 지음

Disciplined Dreaming (Hardcover)
Josh Linkner

Poke the Box (Hardcover)
Godin, Seth

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이 분야에 96 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior (Paperback)

Brafman, Ori 외 지음 / Crown Pub

17,290원(35%할인 / 180원)

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (Paperback)

말콤 글래드웰 지음 / Back Bay Books

17,290원(35%할인 / 180원)

How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships (Paperback, 2)

레일 라운즈 지음 / Contemporary Books

24,500원(30%할인 / 490원)

Advertising : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Winston Fletcher / Oxford Univ Pr

13,940원(35%할인 / 420원)

The Tipping Point : How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (Paperback)

Gladwell, Malcolm / Abacus

13,330원(40%할인 / 140원)

Thinking Small: The Long, Strange Trip of the Volkswagen Beetle (Hardcover)

Andrea Hiott / Random House Inc

10,260원(67%할인 / 110원)

Media Selling : Digital, Television, Audio, Print and Cross-Platform (Paperback, 5 ed)

Charles Warner / Wiley-Blackwell

99,740원(35%할인 / 1,000원)

Unthinking: The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy (Paperback)

Beckwith, Harry / Grand Central Pub

6,300원(67%할인 / 70원)

The Market Maker's Edge: A Wall Street Insider Reveals How To: Time Entry and Exit Points for Minimum Risk, Maximum Profit; Combine Fundamental and Te (Paperback, Revised)

Joshua Lukeman / McGraw-Hill

28,490원(30%할인 / 290원)

Marketing Plans (Paperback, 6th)

말콤 맥도날드 지음 / Butterworth-Heinemann

10,000원(74%할인 / 500원)

2 Kilo of Kessels Kramer (Paperback)

Pie Books 편집부 지음 / PIE BOOKS

69,340원(40%할인 / 700원)

Advertising for Dummies (Paperback, 2)

Gary Dahl / For Dummies

26,440원(35%할인 / 270원)

E-Shock (Paperback, 2nd)

Michael de Kare-Silver 지음 / Amacom

9,600원(60%할인 / 100원)

Improving Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Profit: An Integrated Measurement and Management System (Hardcover)

Gustafsson, Anders 외 지음 / Jossey-Bass

60,120원(35%할인 / 610원)

Unleashing the Power of Digital Signage : Content Strategies for the 5th Screen (Paperback)

Keith Kelsen / Focal Pr

77,630원(30%할인 / 780원)

Marketing Strategy and Uncertainty (Hardcover)

Sharan Jagpal / Oxford Univ Pr

11,770원(90%할인 / 120원)

Enterprise Marketing Management: The New Science of Marketing (Hardcover)

Sutton, Dave / John Wiley & Sons Inc

45,690원(35%할인 / 460원)

Brand Advocates: Turning Enthusiastic Customers Into a Powerful Marketing Force (Hardcover)

R. Fuggetta / John Wiley & Sons Inc

29,990원(35%할인 / 300원)

Join the Conversation: How to Engage Marketing-Weary Consumers with the Power of Community, Dialogue, and Partnership (Hardcover)

Joseph Jaffe / John Wiley & Sons Inc

36,010원(35%할인 / 370원)

Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here: Inside the 300 Billion Dollar Business Behind the Media You Constantly Consume (Hardcover)

David Verklin / John Wiley & Sons Inc

36,010원(35%할인 / 370원)

Welch Way (Hardcover)

Krames, Jeffrey A. / McGraw-Hill

16,760원(30%할인 / 170원)

Marketing Through Search Optimization (Paperback, 2 ed)

Alex Michael / Routledge

54,320원(30%할인 / 550원)

Hope Is Not a Strategy: The 6 Keys to Winning the Complex Sale (Paperback)

Rick Page / McGraw-Hill

27,190원(30%할인 / 280원)

How to Hire and Develop Your Next Top Performer: The Five Qualities That Make Salespeople Great: The Five Qualities That Make Salespeople Great (Paperback, 2, Revised)

Greenberg, Herbert / McGraw-Hill

24,530원(30%할인 / 250원)