이화여중-고 졸업
연세대학교사학과 졸업
미국 텍사스 주립대학(Texas A&M-Commerce) 문헌정보학 석사 취득
미국 클레르몽(Claremont) 대학 역사학 박사 취득
1974년부터 2011년까지 텍사스, 캘리포니아, 뉴욕, 코네티컷 주의 여러 대학에서 도서관 전산총책과 eLearning Director 로 근무한 후 은퇴함.
<역사 분야의 출판 논문>
Arirang People: A Study of Koreans in Transnational Diasporas in the Russian Far East and Manchuria, 1895-1920. Dissertation, 2019. Ph. D. in History, Claremont Graduate University.
“Korean Comfort Women in the Eyes of the Manga and Net Generation,” Virginia Review of Asian Studies, 19 (2017): 108-127.
“History of Early-Modern Korea through the Eyes and Pen of Jack London, 1904,” presented at Jack London Society 13thBiennialSymposium,NapaValley,CA,September17,2016.
“Veiling of Korean Women: The Neo-Confucian Influence in Comparison to the Veiling of Muslim Women,” Journal of Arts & Humanities, Vol. 5, No. 3 (2016), 1-9.
“The History of Pre-Gutenberg Woodblock and Movable Type Printing in Korea,”
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 9(1); July 2014, 9-17.