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2023년 2월 <K-IFRS 회계학원론>


¶U한국경영학회 경영학연구 편집위원 역임
¶U한국회계학회 회계저널 편집위원 역임
¶U한국국제회계학회 편집위원 역임
¶U한국회계정보학회 상임이사 겸 재무회계위원회 부위원장 역임
¶U한국관리회계학회 일반이사 역임
¶U한국회계학회 일반이사 역임
¶U중앙대학교 대학원 회계학과 학과장 역임
¶U(현)중앙대학교 공인회계사반 지도교수
¶U(현)중앙대학교 경영경제대학 경영학부 부교수

<최근 주요저서 및 논문>
¶UIFRS 도입이 애널리스트 투자의견 낙관주의에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
(회계학연구, 2016)
¶U기업구조조정 촉진법 상 비협약부채가 기업부채조정 유형 선택에 미치는 영향
(회계저널, 2014)
¶UMutual fund investments, group affiliation, and SG&A cost stickiness: evidence from Korea(Applied Economics Letters, 2022)
¶UMutual fund investment and corporate social responsibility: evidence from Korea(Applied Economics Letters, 2022)
¶UThe Effects of Chief Executive Officer Gender on Firm Labor Investment Efficiency(Borsa Istanbul Review, 2022)
¶UMutual fund investment, group-affiliation, and stock price crash risk: evidence from Korea(Applied Economics, 2022)
¶UFamily ownership and Labour investment efficiency: Evidence from Korea(Applied Economics Letters, 2022)
¶UAffiliated Mutual Fund Investments and Discretionary Accruals: Evidence from Korea(Finance Research Letters, 2021)
¶UDo analysts improve labor investment efficiency?(Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, 2020)
¶UAnalyst Following, Group Affiliation, and Labor Investment Efficiency: Evidence from Korea(Sustainability, 2019)
¶UThe Role of Institutional Investors in the Sustainable CEO Compensation Structure (Sustainability, 2019)
¶UCEO inside debt holdings and labor investment efficiency(Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2019)
¶UGroup-Affiliated Analysts󰡑 Strategic Forecasts During a Year: Evidence from Korea (Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019)
¶UIFRS Adoption and the Choice between Public and Private Debt: Evidence from South Korea(Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2018)
¶UExecutive pension, default risk, and earnings management(Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2018)
¶UManager Retention and Post-Bankruptcy Performance: Evidence from South Korea (Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2016)
¶UPublic Debt Issuance Impact on Management Forecasting Frequency: Evidence from Regulation Fair Disclosure(Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2016)  

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